
Survivial of the Fittest/Thankful Thursday

No....I am not going to talk about exercise and weight loss. I am still on the No Sweet Tea diet from an earlier post however I am stuck at 15 pounds down. But I know that if I would just get my hiney out of bed in the mornings and exercise I might be doing better.

However, my survival of the fittest is the fact I have survived 2 papers, 2 tests, and 2 midterms this month. Just found out that I have another one in one week but knowing that it is not in February is a great thing. This semester is still kicking my tail and makes me wonder sometimes why I am doing it to myself but I know in the end it will be for a great cause.

Thanks to everyone out there that might have said a prayer for us that I mentioned in my last post. The circumstances that I asked you to pray about was what in God's plan for my life and even though last Friday I was a little upset about it, I totally understand now and look forward to what is.

Next Friday (the 5th) we will begin redoing many parts of the house so I will start posting a lot of pictures about the schemes and the ideas going through my head. I can't wait.

There are no pictures with this post since I am at school and don't have a way to get to any of my pictures.

Finally....bringing back Thankful Thursday (let's see how long this can go on)

1. A wonderful husband that loves me for me and let's me explore a lot of options without complaining TOO much

2.Three of the sweetest little girls that make each day a new adventure.

3. The group of ladies in my Bible Study on Wednesday Nights entitled 5 conversations you MUST have with your daughter. If they had even had something like that for my mom to attend when i was little I think somethings I would have known about marriage and wouldn't have had to discover on my own.

4. Wonderful friends and family that make life worth living

5. Knowing that February is finally behind us...well almost but enough that I can say it.

Have a great weekend everyone

BTW, Today Only....free 8x10 at Walgreen's....get yours today, I know I am.

1 comment:

  1. Forgot to tell you yesterday about the heads up on the photo!!
