

I know that its been a while since we checked in. Life has been crazy busy and at times I never felt that it was worth documenting. The girls are all fabulous aside from Miss M fighting strep throat at the current moment. Miss K is in the middle of her 7th grade year and is doing really well. She is involved in everything. Miss L is in the middle of her 5th grade year with a teacher that we really love and we were blessed to have her when Miss K was in 5th. L is anxiously preparing for her upcoming spring break trip with fellow 5th graders to Washington D.C. Miss M what can I say she is in the middle of her 2nd grade year with a friend as her teacher. We had a nurse turnover at school at Christmas break. We are adjusting but i don't think anyone can replace Nurse Melissa she was a God send and we miss her everyday.

The main reason I got back into blogging was that I wanted to talk about this awesome article I came across yesterday. You can read the entire article here. I have been blessed by a few in my life that are thoroughly described in this article.

The first person that comes to mind is none other than my oldest and most dearest best friend. I would consider her a sister rather than a best friend, Ashley fits all 35 of these things to a "t" She is the first person I text when something good or bad is happening even if it is in the middle of the night. Our husbands have been friends longer than we ever have so I am grateful that our friendship evolved out of theirs. All of our kids love on each other and we love on each other's kids like they were our own. I have had some of the best date nights with her and her husband. We often kid we will be the ones in trouble in the nursing home that we will all live in together one day. I wouldn't have it any other way and I can't imagine life without this dear friend.

The second person that comes to mind is Amanda. I technically met Amanda in 2010 but didn't really get to know her until Spring of 2011 as we were patiently finishing up our bachelor degrees in History. Amanda is one of those people that you feel like has been in your life FOREVER. Yes, she is 10 years younger than me but she reminds me of myself without kids and has even seen quite a few ugly tears. I cherish this friendship more than I ever share.

The third person that I can't imagine doing life without now would be Heather. I have known of Heather for about 8 years. However, I didn't get to really know her until 2011 when Miss M was put in her Kindergarten class. I have never had a friendship like ours come out of one of my children's teachers. I would call my friendships with their teachers nice but there is nothing like the friendship like Heather's. We have been out of town together, hung out during the summer, I absolutely love her boys (so comical).

The fourth person would be Lauren. Lauren is a friend that even if I only text her I know that she is a true friend. I haven't seen Lauren in person in a heart but our friendship picks up right where it left off. I met Lauren about 6 months before I met Amanda once again in History classes. Lauren, Amanda, and I fussed about classes together and pulled our hair out together but we were able to graduate and celebrate that special time together.

The fifth person would be Angela. Angela is one of those dearest friends and I know God put her in my life for a reason. Angela and her husband Gary were teaching a class at church and we were new members and we attended the class. I will never forget my first encounter with her. My dad had just died and we were reading an article about dads and needless to say I about lost it. Angela loved on me from the depths of her heart. We see each other every week at church but we usually go to dinner once a year and pick up right where we left off.

I have been blessed my others in my life who I wouldn't trade their friendship for anything but these women have blessed and changed my life in more ways than they would ever know and I can't imagine life without. I hope that I am able to convey to my girls how much they need girlfriends, whether they are the same age, younger, or older than you. Girlfriends can keep you grounded and sane all at the same time.

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